2008/09 -2012/07,东北大学,材料与冶金学院,热能与动力工程,获学士学位
2012/09 - 2014.07,东北大学,材料与冶金学院,工程热物理,获硕士学位
2014/09 -2018.09,大连理工大学,能源与动力学院,热能工程,获博士学位
2019/05 至今上海理工大学,能源与动力工程学院,工程热物理,讲师
1. 上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划,21YF1430400,高聚光非均匀辐射热激发下自然对流传热机理研究,2021.05-2024.04,20万,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,52206103,体积式太阳能集热器内辐射热对流不稳定性与传热机理研究,2023.01-2025.12,30万元,主持。
[1] R. Zhou, Y. Sun, B. Li, The collocation spectral method with domain decomposition for radiative heat transfer in two-dimensional enclosures, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 123 (2022) 204–215.
[2] R.R. Zhou, Y.S. Sun, B.W. Li, J. Ma. The composite Chebyshev integration method for radiative integral transfer equations in rectangular enclosures, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 170 (2021) 107141.
[3] R.R. Zhou, B.W. Li, Y.S. Sun. Predicting radiative heat transfer in axisymmetric cylindrical enclosures using the collocation spectral method, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 117 (2020) 104789.
[4] R.R. Zhou, B.W. Li, W.K. Wang, Y.S. Sun, Improved integration strategies for the singularity subtraction method to solve radiative integral transfer equations with specified temperature field, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 149 (2020) 106158.
[5] R.R. Zhou, B.W. Li, The modified discrete ordinates method for radiative heat transfer in two-dimensional cylindrical medium, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer139 (2019) 1018–1030.
[6] W.K. Wang, R.R. Zhou, B.W. Li, Discontinuous spectral element method for solving radiative transfer equation in axisymmetric cylindrical enclosures, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 226(2019) 29-39.
[7] R.R. Zhou, B.W. Li, Z.D. Qian, Performance comparisons of the DOM, CCSM, and hybrid CCS-DOM for thermal radiation analysis in one-dimensional cylindrical coordinates, International Journal of Thermal Sciences129 (2018) 434–450.
[8] R.R. Zhou, B.W. Li, Chebyshev collocation spectral method to solve radiative transfer equation in one-dimensional cylindrical medium, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 111 (2017) 1206–1217.
[9] R.R. Zhou, B.W. Li, Chebyshev collocation spectral method for one-dimensional radiative heat transfer in linearly anisotropic-scattering cylindrical medium, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 189(2017) 206–220.
【本科生课程】 1. 工程热力学 2. 计算方法
【研究生课程】 1. 高等传热学