2013/11-至今,上海理工大学,能源与动力工程学院,讲师 / 副教授 / 教授,博士生导师
2018/02-至今,澳洲纽卡斯尔大学,机械工程学院,联合高级讲师(Conjoint Senior Lecturer)
主持国家自然科学青年基金、国家级军工项目、上海市2023年度白玉兰人才计划浦江项目、2019年度上海市青年科技启明星项目、2018年度上海市人才发展资金等项目,参与多项国家自然科学重点和面上项目。获得2022年度上海市自然科学二等奖、2023年度工程热物理学会自然科学二等奖,获得上海理工大学志远学者和乘风计划,发表SCI论文40余篇,在Web of Science上的H指数为12,总引用量为500余次。论文被马里兰大学、清华大学、东京工大等多所著名大学引用。部分如下:
Huang S, Qiu H, *Wang Y. Numerical Study of Aerodynamic Performance of Airfoil with Variable Curvature Split Flap Suitable for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2023. (Accepted)
Huang S, Qiu H, *Wang Y. Airfoil Design and Parameter Optimization of Deformable Micro Air Vehicle, Engineering Computations, 2023. (Accepted)
Li C, Qiu H, Ma J, *Wang, Y. Numerical study on the performance of centrifugal blood pump with superhydrophobic surface. The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 45(12), 1028-1036, 2022.
Ershuai Q, Wen X, *Ying W. Analysis on the Mechanism of Different Operating Conditions for DBD Plasma Excitation on Savonius VAWT. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 16(1), 121-130, 2022.
Huang S, Hu Y, *Wang Y. Numerical simulation of unsteady flow control mechanism of attached stationary or vibrating small cylinder on a main cylinder. Ocean Engineering, 269, 112856, 2023.
Huang S, Wang J, Hou L, *Wang Y. Numerical study on a novel flapping-foil energy harvester with 2D vortex generator. Ocean Engineering, 266, 112415, 2022.
Wen Xu, Shenxian Huang, Chengcheng Li, *Ying Wang, Aerodynamic performance improvement analysis of Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine utilizing plasma excitation flow control, Energy, 239: 122133, 2022.
Wang J H, Luo J, Huang S X, Xia J, Yang B, *Wang Y. Numerical simulation of single aluminum droplet evaporation based on VOF method. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 34, 102008, 2022.
Jiayue Wang, Shengxian Huang, *Ying Wang, Influence of Suction Flow Control on Flapping Foil Energy Extraction Characteristics, International Journal of Green Energy, 2021. DOI: 10.1080/15435075.2021.1973478
Hui Tong, *Ying Wang. Experimental study on unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of deformed blades for vertical axis wind turbine. Renewable Energy, 173: 808-826, 2021.
Longfeng Hou, Sheng Shen, *Ying Wang. Numerical Study on Aerodynamic Performance of Different Forms of Adaptive Blades for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines. Energies, 2021, 14(4): 880.
Shengxian Huang, Yu Hu, *Ying Wang, Research on aerodynamic performance of a novel dolphin head-shaped bionic airfoil, Energy, 214: 118179, 2021.
*FanYang, Xusheng Shao, Ying Wang, Yuansheng Lu, Xiaoshu Cai, Resistance characteristics analysis of droplet logic gate based on lattice Boltzmann method, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2020.
*Yuchen Dai, Yuanshen Lu, Alexander Klimenko, Ying Wang, Kamel Hooman, Theoretical and numerical investigations of swirl enhanced short natural draft dry cooling towers, Applied Thermal Engineering, 180: 115783, 2020.
Ying Wang, Gaohui Li, Jian Fang, Yuanshen Lu, Jinjing Sun, Dahai Luo, *Diangui Huang, Influence of Micro-cylinders with Different Vibration Laws on Flow Control Effect of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine, Wind Energy, 160, 101-121, 2019.
Ying Wang, Hui Tong, Maohao Si, Jiayue Wang, Jinjing Sun, *Diangui Huang, Experimental study on aerodynamic performance of deformable blade for vertical axis wind turbine, Energy, 181, 187-201, 2019. (IF: 6.082)
Ying Wang, Hui Tong, Jianfang, etc., Numerical simulation of unsteady aerodynamic performance of novel adaptive airfoil for vertical axis wind turbine, Energies, 12, 4106, 2019.
Ying Wang, Sheng Shen, Gaohui Li, *Diangui Huang. Investigation on Aerodynamic Performance of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Different Series Airfoil Shapes. Renewable Energy, 126: 801-818, 2018.
Ying Wang, Xin Tan, Naian Wang, *Diangui Huang. Aerodynamic Design and Numerical study for Centrifugal Turbine with Different Shapes of Volutes. Applied Thermal Engineering, 131: 472-485, 2018.
Ying Wang, Gaohui Li, Sheng Shen, *Diangui Huang, Investigation on aerodynamic performance of horizontal axis wind turbine by setting micro-cylinder in front of the blade leading edge, Energy, 143: 1107-1124, 2018.
Ying Wang, Gaohui Li, Sheng Shen, *Diangui Huang, Influence of an off-surface small structure on the flow control effect of horizontal axis wind turbine at different relative inflow angles, Energy, 160: 101-121, 2018.
Ying Wang, *Diangui Huang, Wei Han, Chao YangOu, Zhongquan Zheng, Research on the mechanism of power extraction performance for flapping hydrofoils, Ocean Engineering, 129: 626-636, 2017.
*Ying Wang, Kenneth C. Williams, Mark G. Jones, Bin Chen, CFD Simulation Methodology for Gas-solid Flow in Bypass Pneumatic Conveying - A Review, Applied Thermal Engineering, 125: 185-208, 2017.
Ying Wang, Xiaojing Sun, Xiaohua Dong, Bing Zhu, *Diangui Huang, Zhongquan Zheng, Numerical investigation on aerodynamic performance of a novel vertical axis wind turbine with adaptive blades, Energy Conversion and Management, 108: 275-286, 2016.
*Ying Wang, Kenneth C. Williams, Mark G. Jones, Bin Chen, Pressure drop prediction with a modified frictional-kinetic model for alumina in bypass pneumatic conveying system, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 79: 159-171, 2016.
Ying Wang, Xiaojing Sun, *Diangui Huang, Zhongquan Zheng, Numerical investigation on energy extraction of flapping hydrofoils with different series foil shapes, Energy, 112: 1153-1168, 2016.
Ying Wang, Xiaojing Sun, Bing Zhu, Haijie Zhang, Bing Zhu, *Diangui Huang, Effect of blade vortex interaction on performance of Darrieus-type cross flow marine current turbine, Renewable Energy, 86: 316-323, 2016.
*Ying Wang, Kenneth C. Williams, Mark G. Jones, Bin Chen, Gas-solid flow behaviour prediction for sand in bypass pneumatic conveying with conventional frictional-kinetic model, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(23-24), 9947-9965, 2016.
Ying Wang, Xiaojing Sun, Yuejin Dai, Guoqing Wu, Yang Cao, *Diangui Huang, Numerical investigation of drag reduction by heat-enhanced cavitation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 75: 193-202, 2015.
Yaping Liu, Ying Wang, *Diangui Huang, Supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle: A state-of-the-art review, Energy, 189: 115900, 2019.
P. Yi, Y. Wang, X. Sun, *D. Huang, Z. Zheng, The Effect of Variations in First- and Second-order Derivatives on Airfoil Aerodynamic Performance, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 11(1): 54-68, 2017.
X. Sun, Y. Wang, Q. An, Y. Cao, G. Wu, *D. Huang, Aerodynamic Performance and Characteristic of Vortex Structures for Darrieus Wind Turbine. I. Numerical Method and Aerodynamic Performance. Journal of Renewable & Sustainable Energy, 6(4): 163-165, 2014.
X. Sun, Y. Wang, Q. An, Y. Cao, G. Wu, *D. Huang, Aerodynamic Performance and Characteristic of Vortex Structures for Darrieus Wind Turbine. II. The Relationship between Vortex Structure and Aerodynamic Performance. Journal of Renewable & Sustainable Energy, 6(4): 586-588, 2014.
B. Zhu, X. J. Sun, Y. Wang, *D. G. Huang, Performance Characteristics of A Horizontal Axis Turbine with Fusion Winglet, Energy, 120: 431-440, 2017.
李成成, 李芳, 杨斌, *王莹. 等离子体激励抑制喷管分离流动数值模拟[J]. 航空学报, 2021, 42(7): 124547-124547.
黄胜羡, *王莹. 仿海豚尾鳍襟翼模型气动性能优化数值研究[J]. 中国电机学报, 2021. (网络首发)
王莹, 孙晓晶, 朱兵, 蒋康,*黄典贵. 不同系列翼型扑翼的获能特性研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 38(1): 8, 2017.
胡煜, 黄胜羡, *王莹. 基于DES方法的变形叶片气动性能数值模拟研究[J]. 热能动力工程, 12: 134-141, 2021.
王莹, 黄胜羡, 胡煜. 一种仿生新翼型的设计方法. ZL202010092403.9[P]. 2020.
王莹, 王昆朋, 李冬磊,等. 机械式自适应变形叶片. ZL201610227925.9[P]. 2019.
王莹, 褚舒颖, 王昆朋,等. 一种垂直轴风力机磁性变形叶片. ZL201610373382.1[P]. 2019.
王莹, 胡煜, 黄胜羡,等. 一种基于HOG+SVM的流场气泡图像压力识别算法. ZL202010364862.8[P]. 2020.
王莹, 李成成. 一种带有超疏水表面的心脏泵. CN202210390353.1[P]. 2022.
王莹, 张亮, 李成成,等. 一种利用等离子体的发动机喷管流动控制装置与方法.CN202111581001.6[P]. 2022.
王莹, 黄胜羡. 一种仿生分裂式翼型.CN202110410978.5[P]. 2021.
王莹, 黄胜羡. 一种行波振动翼型. CN202110410977.0[P]. 2021.
王莹, 胡煜, 黄胜羡,等. 一种基于CNN+SVM的压力气泡图像识别算法. CN202010367036.9[P]. 2020.
王莹, 童慧, 司马浩. 一种可用于垂直轴风力机的新型机械式主动变形叶片:, CN201920347869.1[P]. 2019.