
2007.9 – 2011.7 河北工业大学,建筑环境与设备工程专业,学士
2011.9 – 2014.1 天津大学,工程热物理专业,硕士
2014.9 – 2017.9 法国波尔多大学,机械工程研究院,博士
2017.9 – 2018.8 法国科学研究中心(CNRS)力学与工程研究所(I2M),博士后,
2018.8 – 今 上海理工大学,能源与动力工程学院,副教授,硕导
2022.9 - 2023.7 清华大学,建筑学院,访问学者,合作导师:李先庭教授
2023.5-2023.6 法国波尔多综合理工学院, 客座研究员
(1) 主持上海市“科技创新行动计划”启明星项目(A类),面向低碳建筑梯度多孔定型相变材料及温湿协同调控机制,2024.12.1-2027.11.30,上海市科委
(2) 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金,多孔相变材料热湿耦合传递机理及诊断模型研究,24万,2021/1-2023/12,国家自然科学基金委
(3) 科技部高端外国专家引进计划,储能调湿功能型建筑材料研发及其热湿耦合传递机理研究,30万,2021.1-2022.12,科技部
(4) 主持上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划, 基于瞬态响应分析的建筑热学性能及内部缺陷诊断方法的研究,20万,2019.05-2022.04,上海市科委
(5) 主持上海市高校特聘副教授(青年东方学者)岗位资助计划,60万,2020.01-2022.12,上海市教委
(7) 主持国家留学基金委中法蔡元培交流合作项目,2020/9-2022/12,国家留学基金管理委员会
(8) 主持上海市高校青年教师培养资助计划, 2019.01-2020.1,上海市教委
[1]. Jie LIU, Yingying YANG*📧, Aizheng LI, Wensong WANG, Weidong WU, Hua ZHANG, Preparation and assessment of a novel hydrated salt PCM applied for intermittent floor radiant heating systems, Journal of Energy Storage, 105 (2025) 114710.
[2]. Qingyu YANG, Tao YANG, Yingying YANG*📧, Jun SHEN, Numerical and experimental investigations on the effect of skeleton shapes and heat transfer directions on water freezing in porous media, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 236(2025)126392.
[3]. Aizheng LI, Yingying YANG*📧, Qiguo YANG, Zhuoyue LIN, Gang JING, Weidong WU, Hua ZhANG.. Effect of H2S on the corrosion behavior of austenitic and martensitic steels in supercritical CO2 at 550 °C and 20 MPa for Brayton cycle system[J].Electrochimica Acta, 2024, 507, 145206
[4]. Aizheng LI, Yingying YANG*📧, Yan REN, Yuan WANG, Weidong WU, Hua ZhANG. Bio-based Composite Phase Change Material Utilizing Wood Fiber and CoconutOil for Thermal Management in Building Envelopes, Journal of Cleaner Production, 469 (2024), 143177.
[5]. Qingyu YANG, Yingying YANG*📧, Hui YAO, Mejdi AZAIEZ, Effect of contact thermal resistance and skeleton thermodynamic properties on solid-liquid phase change heat transfer in porous media: A simulation study. Energy, 300 (2024) 131532, JCR Q1, IF=9
[6]. Xinghai LIU, Yingying YANG*📧, Zhonghua SHEN, Weidon WU, Yuan WANG, Jean DUMOULIN, Study on thermal storage effectiveness of a novel PCM concrete applied in buildings located at four cities, Renewable Energy, 218 (2023) 119262, JCR Q1, IF=8.7
[7]. Qingyu YANG, Yingying YANG*📧, Kai ZHANG, Majdi AZAIEZ, Evolution mechanism of freezing in porous media at the pore scale: Numerical and Experimental study, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 148 (2023) 107032, JCR Q1, IF=7
[8]. Yingying YANG, QingYu YANG, Weidong WU*, Xueming REN, Yan. REN, Effect of dispersant on the performances of an ice slurry-wet precooling system, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 52 (2023) 103744.JCR Q1, IF=6.8
[9]. Ziyuan XU, Yingying YANG*📧, Shijie MAO, Weidong WU, Qiguo YANG, Review on Corrosion of Alloys for Application in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Cycle,Heliyon, 9 (2023) e22169, Cell Press, IF=4
[10]. Yingying YANG, Shijie MAO, Qiguo YANG*, Ziyuan XU, Yan REN, Weidong WU, Effect of Stress on Corrosion Behavior of Martensitic and Austenitic Steels in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide at 550 °C and 20 MPa, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 192(2023)105805 JCR Q2, IF=3.9
[11]. Yingying YANG, Zhonghua SHEN, Weidong WU*, Hua ZHANG, Yan REN, Qiguo YANG, Preparation of a novel diatomite-based PCM gypsum board for temperature-humidity control of buildings, Building and Environment, 226(2022)109732. JCR Q1, IF=7.4
[12]. Yingying YANG; Zhoulin CHEN; Tingting VOGT-WU*; Alain SEMPEY; Jean-Christophe BATSALE, In situ methodology for thermal performance evaluation of building wall: a review, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 181 (2022) 107687. JCR Q1, IF=4.5
[13]. Yingying YANG, Zhonghua SHEN, Weidong WU*, Li WANG, Qiguo YANG, Characteristics of CO2-ionic liquids/PEG200 as new working pairs for absorption-compression refrigeration system, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 340 (2021) 116840. JCR Q1, IF=6
[14]. Miguel CHEN AUSTIN, Tingting VOGT-WU, Alain SEMPEY, Alain SOMMIER, Jean DUMOULIN, Denis BRUNEAU, Jean-Christophe BATSALE, Yingying YANG*📧, Investigation into the use of thermoelectric modules as an alternative to conventional fluxmeters: Application to convective and radiative heat flux in buildings, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 160 (2021) 106653. JCR Q1, IF=4.5
[15]. Yingying YANG, Weidong WU*, Shunyu FU, Hua ZHANG, Study of a novel ceramsite-based shape-stabilized composite phase change material (PCM) for energy conservation in buildings, Construction and Building Materials, 246 (2020) 118479, IF=7.4
[16]. Yingying YANG, Weidong WU*, Hengbo TANG, Jian LU, Experimental investigations on the combined effect of nanofluid and ultrasonic field on ammonia bubble absorption, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 27 (2020) 13, 159-171. IF=2.3
[17]. Yingying YANG, Tingting VOGT-WU*, Alain SEMPEY, Jean DUMOULIN, Jean-Christophe BATSALE, Short time nondestructive evaluation of thermal performances of building walls by studying transient heat transfer, Energy and Buildings, 184 (2019), 141-151. JCR Q1, IF=6.7
[18]. Yingying YANG, Minxia LI*, Weidong WU, Yitai MA, Condensation heat transfer characteristics of R1234ze(E) and R32 in a mini horizontal smooth tube,Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 25(6), 2019, IF=1.9
[19]. Yingying YANG, Tingting VOGT-WU*, Alain SEMPEY, Christophe PRADERE, Alain SOMMIER, Jean-Christophe BATSALE, Combination of terahertz radiation method and thermal probe method for non-destructive thermal diagnosis of thick building walls, Energy and Buildings, 158 (2018), 1328-1336. IF=6.7
[20]. Yingying YANG, Minxia LI*, Kaiyang WANG, Yitai MA, Study of multi-twisted-tube gas cooler for CO2 heat pump water heaters, Applied Thermal Engineering, 102 (2016), 204–212. IF=6.4
[21]. Gang JING, Huan WANG, Xianting LI*, Guijin WANG, Yingying YANG, An airflow velocity field reconstruction method with sparse or incomplete data using physics-informed neural network, Journal of Building Engineering, 88(2024)109231, JCR Q1, IF=6.4
[22]. Shaogeng Zhong, Yan Ren, Weidong Wu*, Yingying Yang, Qiguo Yang, Numerical study on the local heat transfer characteristic of supercritical CO2 in semicircular/circular channel under cooling condition,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 209 (2023) 124098. JCR Q1, IF=5.2
[23]. Shaogeng Zhong, Yan Ren, Peidong Wang, Weidong Wu*, Yingying Yang, Qiguo Yang, Experimental test of rectangular microchannel printed circuit heat exchanger using supercritical carbon dioxide as working fluid, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 200 (2023) 105967. JCR Q2, IF=3.9
[24]. Yan Ren, Zhongwei Chen, Weidong Wu*, Hao Wang, Yingying Yang, Qiguo Yang, Study on the effect of circulating air volume on the performance of closed loop heat pump drying system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 210 (2022) 118362. JCR Q1, IF=6.4
[25]. Yan Ren, Peidong Wang, Weidong Wu*, Hao Wang, Yingying Yang, Qiguo Yang, Study on the effects of auxiliary condenser operation parameters on the performance of closed loop heat pump drying system, International Journal of Refrigeration, 136 (2022) 17-26. JCR Q1, IF=3.9
[26]. Qundong Zhu, Weidong Wu*, Yingying Yang, Zhiming Han, Yiwang Bao, Finite Element Analysis of Heat Transfer Performance of Vacuum Glazing with Low-emittance Coatings by Using ANSYS, Energy and Buildings 206 (2020) 109584. JCR Q1, IF=6.7
[27]. Shanshan Chen, Weidong Wu*, Yingying Yang, Hao Wang, Hua Zhang, Experimental study of a novel vacuum sublimation–rehydration thawing for frozen pork, International Journal of Refrigeration, 118 (2020) 392–402. JCR Q1, IF=3.9
[28]. 刘洁,杨英英*,李爱征,王文松,任燕,用于地板辐射采暖的多元水合盐复合相变砂浆的制备及性能研究,储能科学与技术,2023,12(12): 3655-3662.
[29]. 李爱征,黄宗华,杨英英*,李先庭.深度除湿技术在低湿行业中的应用及研究进展[J/OL].暖通空调,2023,53(9):1-11.
[30]. 王文松, 杨英英*, 陈周林, 杨晴雨, 李帅华, 武卫东. 介观尺度下多孔介质内水结冰相界面演化机制研究[J]. 化工学报, 2022, 73(12): 5343-5354,封底文章,(EI检索).
[31]. 许梓源,杨其国,毛世杰,林卓越,武卫东,杨英英*.GH 3128和AISI 616在超临界二氧化碳布雷顿循环动力发电系统环境下的腐蚀行为[J].中国电机工程学报,2023,42(23),9204-9213. (EI检索)
[32]. 王淑,冷航,陈彦伶,王昌涛,陈周林,杨英英*,红外热成像技术在孔隙尺度下多孔介质相变过程表征中的应用与优化研究,红外技术,2022,44(3):294-302
[33]. 陈周林,杨英英*,武卫东,张华,基于热四端网络法的建筑材料热物性定量检测方法研究,暖通空调,2022,52(5):151-158.
[34]. 杨英英*, 伏舜宇, 武卫东, 张兵. 新型建筑用二元复合定型相变材料的制备及性能评价[J]. 化工进展, 2020, 39(10): 4119-4126,(EI检索).
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[36]. 伏舜宇,杨英英*,武卫东,相变材料应用于建筑围护结构中定型封装方法研究进展,化工新型材料,2020.
[37]. 杨英英,李敏霞*,马一太,水平光滑细管内R32冷凝换热的流型特性,化工学报,2014(2),(EI检索).
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[39]. 李敏霞*,杨英英,马一太,王凯洋,CO2跨临界循环气体冷却器的研究,太阳能学报,2013(9),(EI检索).
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