[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 51606126, 高倍聚光光伏系统中影响多结砷化镓电池特性的机理研究及仿真, 2017/01-2019/12, 23万元, 已结题, 主持;
[2] 上海市自然科学基金,15ZR1428800,非稳态高热流密度下聚光光伏电池性能强化的机理研究, 2015/01-2017/12, 10万元, 已结题, 主持;
[3] 上海市科学技术委员会,上海市“科技创新行动计划”生物医药科技支撑专项项目,21S31900200,具有动态响应的-80度深低温医疗冷链转运箱关键技术及实验样机研制, 2021-08至2024-7, 25万元, 已结题, 主持;
[4] 上海市科学技术委员会,上海市“科技创新行动计划”技术标准项目,24DZ2201800,户式氢燃料电池余热回收及释储系统上海市地方标准, 2024-12至2026-11, 48万元, 在研, 主持;
[5] 上海市自然科学基金,20ZR1438600,纳米颗粒耦合多孔介质强化相变蓄热材料传热及蓄能机理研究, 2020/01-2023/06, 20万元, 已结题, 主持;
[6] 上海铂世光半导体科技有限公司,超高温散热无氧铜底座流道模拟与实验, 2021/06-2022/06,70万元,已结题, 主持。
[1] Zilong Wang*, Liucan Zhu, Hua Zhang, Guoxin Yu, Jing Li. Numerical study of heat transfer characteristics of phase change materials reinforced with porous media based on hybrid mesh [J]. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 2024, 65:103740.
[2] Zilong Wang*, Jintao Gui, Liucan Zhu, Hua Zhang, Binlin Dou, Guoxin Yu, Mengjie Song, Lianyong Jiang, Xin Xiao. The effect of heat flux on enhancement heat transfer mechanism in copper metal foam composite paraffin wax during melting process: Experimental and simulation research[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2024, 226:125523.
[3] Zilong Wang*, Mengshuai Zhu, Hua Zhang, Zhou Ying, Xiangxin Sun, Binlin Dou, Weidong Wu, Guanhua Zhang, Long Jiang. Experimental and simulation study on the heat transfer mechanism and heat storage performance of copper metal foam composite paraffin wax during melting process [J]. Energy. 2023, 272:127167.
[4] Zilong Wang*, Xiangxin Sun, Mengshuai Zhu, Liucan Zhu, Hua Zhang, Binlin Dou, Weidong Wu, Piotr Szymczak, Rui Wu. Effect of enhancement in metal foam pore density on heat transfer of phase-change materials [J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2023, 144:106750.
[5] Mengshuai Zhu, Zilong Wang*, Hua Zhang, Xiangxin Sun, Binlin Dou, Weidong Wu, Guanhua Zhang, Long Jiang. Experimental investigation of the comprehensive heat transfer performance of PCMs filled with CMF in a heat storage device [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2022, 188:122582.
[6] FanWu, Zilong Wang*, Hua Zhang,YanbinQin, XiaokuanYou, JingzhenLu. Experimental and simulation analysis on thermal stratification characteristics in solar storage tanks with phase change materials[J]. Journal of Energy Storage. 2022, 46:103722.
[7] Zilong Wang*, Hua Zhang, Binlin Dou, Weidong Wu, Guanhua Zhang,Xiang Zhou. Effect of copper metal foam proportion on heat transfer enhancement in the melting process of phase change materials [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2022, 201:117778.
[8] Zilong Wang*, Hua Zhang, Binlin Dou, Guanhua Zhang, Weidong Wu, Liqiang Zhou. An experimental study for the enhancement of stratification in heat-storage tank by equalizer and PCM module [J]. Journal of Energy Storage. 2020, 27:101010
[9] Zilong Wang*, Hua Zhang, Guanhua Zhang, Huajie Huang. The Thermal Stratification Evaluation of Phase-Change Materials in a Heat Storage Tank:Computational Fluid Dynamics and Experimental Study [J]. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of the ASME. 2020, 142(2):021012
[10] Zilong Wang*, Hua Zhang, Huajie Huang, Binlin Dou, Xiuhui Huang, Maria A. Goula. The experimental investigation of the thermal stratification in a solar hot water tank[J]. Renewable Energy, 2019, 137:862-874.
[11] Huajie Huang, Zilong Wang*, Hua Zhang, Binlin Dou, Xiuhui Huang, Hao Liang, Maria A. Goula. An experimental investigation on thermal stratification characteristics with PCMs in solar water tank[J]. Solar Energy, 2019, 177: 8-21.
[12] Zilong Wang*, Hua Zhang, Binlin Dou, Guanhua Zhang, Weidong Wu. Influence of inlet structure on thermal stratification in a heat storage tank with PCMs: CFD and experimental study [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 126.
[13] Zilong Wang*, Hua Zhang, Binlin Dou, Huajie Huang, Guanhua Zhang. The thermal stratification characteristics affected by a novel equalizer in a dynamic hot water storage tank[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 126(5): 1006-1016.
[14] Zilong Wang*, Hua Zhang, Binlin Dou, Huajie Huang, Weidong Wu, Zhiyun Wang. Experimental and numerical research of thermal stratification with a novel inlet in a dynamic hot water storage tank[J]. Renewable Energy, 2017, 111:353-371.
[15] Zilong Wang*, Hua Zhang, Dongsheng Wen, Wei Zhao, Zhigang Zhou. Characterization of the InGaP/InGaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cell with a two-stage dish-style concentration system. Energy Conversion and Management, 76(11): 177-184, 2013.
[1] 发明专利:高倍数太阳能发电装置, 2013.6, 中国, ZL:201010578212.X
[2] 发明专利:太阳光波波长转换装置, 2013.9, 中国, ZL:201010588137.5
[3] 发明专利:太阳光波波长转换装置, 2013.9, 中国, ZL:201310282100.3
[1] 2021年上海理工大学校级教学成果奖一等奖
[2] 2021年上海理工大学大学生创新创业优秀指导教师团队
[3] 2021年上海理工大学研究生优秀导学团队
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